My Senior Citizen Discount Was Revoked!

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plant based diet weight loss

My local, small-town grocery store took away my senior citizen discount, and I am overjoyed about it!

Small town, small grocery store

I live in a very small rural area of North Carolina, and our little grocery store has Senior Citizen Discount Day every Wednesday where everyone over 55 years-old gets 10% off their groceries. It’s a great little deal, if you’re in your mid-fifties and older, which I’m not.

plant based diet weight loss

A number of years ago, I started dropping in to pick up a few items at least once a week, because it’s such a neat little store and it was close to my office.

Senior citizen discount

I was unaware of the Wednesday senior citizen discount until I happened to stop by on a Wednesday and was asked by the cashier if I get the discount.

When I inquired about which discount she was referring to and she told me, I embarrassingly managed to stutter, “Not quite yet.”

plant based diet weight loss

It would have been easier on me if the cashier was a young teenager, because they sometimes have trouble judging age. To them, all adults look ancient.

However, this cashier, without question, qualified for the discount herself, and I could tell she was a little hesitant to ask but didn’t want to deny me the discount if I qualified for it, which at 44 years old at that time, I did not.

Embarrassed and sad

I left the store with my pack of ground hamburger and a flushed face.

Sadly, that was not the last time the Wednesday Senior Citizen Discount nearly ruined my day. There were a number of occasions later that I was not asked, but noticed as I left the store and looked at my receipt, I had indeed received the 10% discount without questioning.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love a discount. But not a senior citizen discount….10 years early!

Feeling old in my 30’s

At that time I knew I looked older, because I felt much older. I was 44 years old, nearly 50 lbs. overweight, and suffering from increasingly painful and swollen joints, as well as other health issues that had started around age 35 and were progressively worsening.

My mother has debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and other serious health issues that started for her around my age. I was terrified I was heading down that same path, but after numerous doctors’ visits and blood tests, I still had no answers for my declining health.

Forks Over Knives Documentary

I decided to investigate some nutritional options. My daughter recommended the documentary, Forks Over Knives, which I watched February 12, 2013–the day my life changed.

From that film, I learned how a plant-based, whole-food lifestyle heals the body and, for the first time, the link between nutrition and health made complete sense to me. The answer had been there all along, but I didn’t know it.

Regaining health

Since that time, I’ve resolved my inflamed and painful joints, lowered my cholesterol from 220 to 141 dropped over 50 lbs, resolved adult acne that previously required prescription medication, and recovered from sleeping issues.

These days when I drop by the grocery store on Wednesdays, there’s never a question as to whether I get the senior citizen discount.

Now, the only question I get is, “What in the world are you doing to look so much younger?”

As much as I love a good deal, that’s one discount I’m glad was taken away from me for now.

When I do turn 55, I plan for them to have to card me to prove I’m old enough. How’s THAT for turning the hands of time back!

Recommended books and resources found HERE.

Plant-based success story before and after
Plants-based all the way!

About Terri Edwards

Hi guys! I am the content creator behind EatPlant-Based and a licensed Food for Life instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. I am passionate about sharing healthy recipes and tips to empower others to get healthy.  I’m so glad you’re here! Read More…

Plant-based weight loss before and after
Plants for the WIN!

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  1. First, you look fabulous and radiant and years younger. I live in Murphy, NC and have osteoarthritis in my hands. Are there certain foods that should be avoided for inflammation? I have been plant based for about 4 1/2 months and have lots of improvement in my other health issues, but none in the inflammation area. I do know that corn is a trigger for me.

  2. Terri, I was tickled to see your little local grocer is an IGA! That’s what I have in my small rural community, too! I am on a first name basis with the produce manager, I LOVE their prices and quality, and never fail to thank and compliment any of the workers in the produce section. One day the produce manager asked me about all the greens, etc, I was loading into my cart. I told him a little about my WFPB lifestyle, and he lit up like Christmas. It turns out, his son who is battling health issues, has begun eating PB and having very good results. It’s wonderful to hear little stories like that from our own communities; it just proves, the movement is ON!!! Thanks to dedicated people like yourself, with great online sites to help us out, we are DOING IT – one person at a time, changing our world for the better. THANK YOU!!!

    1. Candice, I do love our little IGA in Tryon, NC! You’re right that the hometown feel is priceless. It makes me think of Andy Griffith and Mayberry, and I love it. Thanks so much for sharing your experience as well. You gave a great ending to my Monday!

    1. is my website with Food for Life class information, and the blog is They are linked together, so visitors can move between them with ease.

  3. Hi,
    We live in Hendersonville, NC. I wish there was a Vegan Club here. Two years ago my doctor wanted to put me on cholesterol medication…I refused, saying that I wanted to try diet first. He gave me three months…by following Forks Over Knives, my numbers plummeted….doctor was thrilled….my husband and I are both at perfect weights and feel better than we have for years. We are both 76 going on 60! \o/ People ask how we can do without meats and dairy. It is so refreshing to realize what healthy eating is. We are never hungry. I told a nurse that I wished everyone ate like this and she said to me, ” If they did, I would be out of a job!” Terri, you look so healthy and terrific. If only people knew how they would feel with all of those extra pounds gone!

    1. Carol, I love finding out that there are other plant-based people so close to me! Makes this world seem a little smaller, more like a community. Recently, I found out that No-Meat Athlete is in Asheville, and a new group is in Mills River called They are a physician (MD) and her husband, and they’ve asked me to contribute a piece to their website each month. Their plan is to cover all the local businesses that promote health, nutrition, and fitness. It’s wonderful that our little area of NC is popping up with all these healthy resources. I love hearing about your health success! Thanks so much for sharing your story. 🙂

  4. Hi Terri,
    Your story is so inspirational, and while there are many other stories out there similar to yours, it never gets ‘old’ reading about someone else taking complete charge of their health. So happy to hear about your cholesterol numbers. My husband was able to lower his #’s with our PB diet, which we’ve been enjoying for 3 years. I am also certified in PB nutrition through eCornell and Campbell! I am currently taking the Culinary Rx Course with the Rouxbe School on line and it’s so much fun. I’d be honored for you to check out my blog, too. By the way, we recently moved to Asheville and loving it in WNC!

    1. Wow Lauren! I LOVE your site! It’s one of the best layouts that I’ve seen, and I may even incorporate some of your organization in mine. Seriously! And, you are my neighbor too? Asheville is only 1 hour away from me. My daughter graduated from Montreat College in Black Mountain, and it’s so beautiful up there. Thanks so much for stopping by and for messaging me. I subscribed to your site and hope to hear more from you soon!

  5. It’s amazing how changing our diet affects not only our bodies, but our appearance to others! Beautiful ending to a SAD story 🙂

    1. Hi Jennifer, it really IS amazing! I love going in this store now. They are so interested in what I did to get healthy. Thanks for visiting my blog!

      1. I get questions all the time by cashiers…most are asking me what the vegetable is that they are putting through (guess they don’t have to do them so often) and the the question is…what am I going to do with it…I explain that there are many sites..FOrks over Knives being at the top of the list…that have amazing recipes and info…

  6. I love this story! You look wonderful and happy. Forks and Knives is an excellent documentary. The plant-based diet is obviously benefiting you. Great job!

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